Scheme: Everybody Hates Deadpool
Mastermind: Mr. Sinister
Henchmen: Maggia Goons
  • Hydra Elite
  • Marauders
  • Masters of Evil
  • Agent X-13
  • Captain Marvel, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • Mr. Fantastic
  • Solo
  • Steve Rogers, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Got a win, but just barely, and even that could be debatable. Normally you win by getting all four cards from the mastermind, but I usually defeat them a fifth time to take their main card. In this game the villain deck was almost done, which would have meant I beat the scheme but the mastermind got away. A draw in my book. Had one card left in the deck and two mastermind cards left. Managed to beat them both in the same hand, so I’ll take it. Mr. Sinister is a pain in the ass and this scheme was no walk in the park either. The Deadpool expansion introduces a Revenge mechanic, meaning for every card of that villain group you have defeated, you add one more to their hit total. This scheme adds that to everyone and you lose when nine villains escape. Managed to keep them in check well enough, but Sinister is tough to take down. Go me.