Site to host my gaming results and anything else I feel like ranting and raving about.

Month: December 2021

Midtown Bank Robbery – Thanos

Scheme: Midtown Bank Robbery
Mastermind: Thanos
Henchmen: Maggia Goons
  • Infinity Gems
  • Radiation
  • Bruce Banner
  • Gladiator Hulk
  • Hulk
  • Joe Fixit, Gray Hulk
  • She-Hulk

I wanted to give Hulk a chance for revenge against Thanos since he got bitch-slapped so badly in the movies. So here’s an all Hulk team trying t stop Thanos from robbing a bank, as he’s known to do. Was a very manageable game, but came down to just one card left in the villain pile before knocking out Thanos for the last time. So really went down to the wire. Hulks smash!

Cytoplasm Spike Invasion – General “Thunderbolt” Ross

Scheme: Cytoplasm Spike Invasion
Mastermind: General “Thunderbolt” Ross
  • Cytoplasm spikes
  • Death’s Heads

  • Code Red
  • Infinity Gems
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Bruce Banner
  • Captain America 1941
  • Scarlet Spider
  • Scarlet Witch

This was a little rougher. Managed to take out Ross four times, which technically give me a win, but I play where you get him a fifth time for like a complete victory, and I fell just short of that. Basically there’s a separate pile of bystanders and spikes, and twists have you take three from that pile and bystanders escape. Once eighteen are gone you lose. Also I had a bunch of villains escape the city, which didn’t really cost me, but is damn annoying. Also, also been getting Ross too many times in random. Need to re-do, tired of that jerk.

Mutating Gamma Rays – Mr. Sinister

Scheme: Mutating Gamma Rays
Mastermind: Mr. Sinister
Henchmen: Circus of crime
  • Four Horsemen
  • Marauders
  • Caiera
  • Rogue
  • Skaar, Son of Hulk
  • Speed
  • Thing
  • Wasp

This was pretty straight forward, beat the mastermind before you get to the seventh twist. Mr. Sinister is pretty easy if you can keep bystanders away from him, which playing two handed isn’t too hard. The villain deck shuffle was good and had some twists at the bottom, so boom. Evil is defeated.

Subjugate with Obedience Disks – Evil Deadpool

Wine with gaming.
Scheme: Subjugate with Obedience Disks
Mastermind: Evil Deadpool
Henchmen: Spider-Slayer
  • Deadpool Corpse
  • Illuminati
  • Cyclops
  • Forge
  • Ms. America
  • She Hulk
  • Silver Surfer

In retrospect I think I accidentally cheated to win. Scheme twists go under a hero in the HQ and raises the cost of the hero. I thought if you purchased that hero the twist went away, which made this easy to win. Apparently they stay which makes much more sense. Oh well, I’ll know for next time.

Break the Planet Asunder – Supreme Intelligence of the Kree

Watching the Flyers while I play.
Scheme: Break the Planet Asunder
Mastermind: Supreme Intelligence of the Kree
Henchmen: Circus of Crime
  • Kree StarForce
  • Matters of Evil WWII
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Black Widow
  • Bob Agent of Hydra
  • Deathlok
  • Domino
  • Emma Frost
  • Squirrel Girl

This came down to the wire. Thought for sure was going to lose, but pulled it out with a few cards from the villain deck to spare.

For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Been a little while. Need more vacations and less work so I can get back to this more often.

Bond theme is a little more jazzy.

Oh shit, visiting the grave of his wife. Continuity! A helicopter shows up at the cemetery to take him away for work. Damn, can’t give the guy five minutes to drop flowers and mourn?

Uh oh, is that Blofeld? He’s got the cat and a neck brace. He zaps the helicopter pilot through magic and is controlling the chopper via remote.

Okay, what the hell? So Bond has to get to the controls by going outside the helicopter, which he does. He then disables the remote control. Meanwhile, Blofeld (assuming that is him) was right below in a wheelchair controlling it. Bond manages to pick up the wheelchair with the helicopter skid and drops him into a large smokestack. Of course first Blofeld was pleading and I think he offered to give him a delicatessen? And the music playing was very disco 70’s.

This is one of the better Bond songs and Sheena Easton is very 80’s pretty.

An old fishing boat is a cover for some government thing. The fishermen haul in an old school mine that sinks the boat. They tried to destroy something or other, but failed and they all drowned.

We’re introduced to a kind of pretty lady. A plane drops her off on a boat and she meets her parents. The plane then comes back and guns down her parents. I guess this would be dramatic if I knew who the hell these people are.

Moneypenny! I know I’ll lose this actress eventually, so just enjoying her while she’s here. She has a hidden makeup stash and gets all dolled up for Bond, who enters throwing his hat onto the coat rack.

No M. He’s away or something.

Ah, the killed parents were looking for the sunken fishing boat. Working all undercover for the British government since they couldn’t officially go and get the wreckage. They give Bond files and it has the movie title on the front. Maybe it’s the script?

Early 80’s sports cars have a very dated look and it’s bad.

Whelp, it blew up. Bond was breaking into what looks like the Playboy mansion. He quickly is captured but the boss guy gets shot with an arrow. He uses the distraction to escape and runs into the arrow killer. It’s the daughter of the dead people. They run to his car (Lotus). Some dudes are looking to break in. It has a sticker that says “burglar protected.” Dude breaks the window and the car blows up. Early car alarms were effective at stopping theft, I’ll give them that.

Well that was an odd car chase. Is this one of the bad ones? This feels like one of the bad ones.

I can’t tell if Q and Bond really hate each other or secretly want to fuck.

They use fancy computers to basically create a sketch artist rendering of a bad guy. Seemed like the least efficient way to do that.

Kind of clever. Bond goes to a ski resort and gets a room. In the bathroom he steams it up and there’s a message on the mirror to meet his contact.

Ugh, the pretty skater’s name is Bibi Dahl? Say that one out loud and roll your eyes with me.

Wow. Even Bond has limits I guess. Bibi was introduced as a potential gold medal winning skater who only focuses on skating and not wise of the ways of the world. Meanwhile, she broke into Bond’s room, comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel and hops in bed, removing said towel. She’s basically saying, open for business and business is good. Bond turns her down! I don’t know how old she’s supposed to be, but it might end in the word teen, so good on him for saying no.

Who invented the biathlon? Skiing and shooting? Why not roller skating and juggling?

That was a very long, boring ski chase scene, and it ended with the bad guy throwing his fucking motorcycle at Bond in frustration as Bond escapes. Yeah, this is a bad one and Rotten Tomatoes lies.

They even made hockey and a Zamboni boring. Oops, Bond’s contact is dead.

We’re halfway in and I don’t think he’s had sex with anyone!

Oh there we go. Some countess something or other. Assuming she’s a baddie, but at least she’s age appropriate.

Well so much for her. Run over by a dune buggy.

Damn, he even turned down a drink. What’s happening here?

Bunch of dudes on boats killing each other. No idea who is who.

Even his quips are boring.

Oh no, underwater adventures.

Why don’t bad guys just shoot Bond? This was the worst attempt at killing him yet. Him and the daughter are tied together and pulled by a boat. They kept stopping to give him a chance to breathe and escape. So weird.

That one dude is from Flash Gordon!

Rock climbing…

Everyone is taking their turn showing Bibi the back of their hand.

They had Margaret Thatcher talking to a parrot that they thought was Bond. That’s how this thing ended.

The End.

Bond will return in Octopussy.

I found this one just boring, plain and simple. The fact my dogs were acting like assholes during it probably didn’t help. Nothing was fun or exciting, just meh. I checked out pretty early on this one. Oh well.