Scheme: Cytoplasm Spike Invasion
Mastermind: General “Thunderbolt” Ross
  • Cytoplasm spikes
  • Death’s Heads

  • Code Red
  • Infinity Gems
  • Amadeus Cho
  • Bruce Banner
  • Captain America 1941
  • Scarlet Spider
  • Scarlet Witch

This was a little rougher. Managed to take out Ross four times, which technically give me a win, but I play where you get him a fifth time for like a complete victory, and I fell just short of that. Basically there’s a separate pile of bystanders and spikes, and twists have you take three from that pile and bystanders escape. Once eighteen are gone you lose. Also I had a bunch of villains escape the city, which didn’t really cost me, but is damn annoying. Also, also been getting Ross too many times in random. Need to re-do, tired of that jerk.