Some lunchtime Bond action. They took three years off between films. Let’s see if they put that time to good use.

Theme sounds semi-classic again. Could be a good sign.

Can you smoke on a submarine? Is that a good idea? Drama on the sub. They’re forced to surface and the captain looks through the periscope and says OMG, but they won’t show us what he sees! Hate when movies/TV do that. It was a nuclear sub and is now missing. Cut to Russia and they’re missing one as well and dude asks for agent XXX, who is in bed banging a pretty woman. Did I download a Russian bootleg by mistake? Twist, XXX is the woman! Guess I’m the asshole for assuming, though I did suspect.

Ha, movie. M asks Moneypenny where’s Bond. She says he’s on a mission in Austria. M says to tell him to, “pull out immediately.” Cut to Bond on top of a blonde in front of a fireplace. I see what you did there movie. Well played.

He has a teletype/label maker in his watch? How on earth would that even fit? That isn’t high tech, it’s like Tardis technology inside that thing.

So he has to leave but she’s all stay daddy, I need it bad! He tells her so does England and leaves wearing a banana outfit. Okay it’s a terrible yellow ski suit, whatever. She immediately gets on the radio and tells other bad guys he just left. Time for a ski chase! Including some groovy 70’s music.

Holy shit! Bond had a mini rocket thing in one of his ski poles! Hit a bad guy in the chest with it while skiing backwards. Okay movie, I’m fully onboard, don’t disappoint me. Even the corny backflip with a twist is okay. Uh oh, he jumped off a cliff, lost his skis and deployed a chute. How tall was this cliff? The chute has the union jack flag as the Bond trumpets play and into the opening.

Oh shit! Did I not know Nobody Does It Better was a Bond song? Not sure I did. Fucking love that song. Okay, Live and Let Die has some competition, not gonna lie. Carly Simon is awesome. This also explains the spy who loved me line in the song that never made sense. I’m a little slow, sue me.

Oh shit again, back to Russia and dude is talking to XXX and is like your agent boyfriend is dead, killed in the Austrian Alps. Hmm, who do we know that we just saw kill Russian agents in the Alps? Coincidence?

Bond in a naval uniform. Is that a first? Can’t remember. Moore has a huge chin but is a good lookin dude in a classic 70’s/80’s leading man way.

We find the bad guy having dinner with a pretty blonde. Two dudes come in and he’s like someone close betrayed me. Hey toots, you should leave this is gonna get ugly. She gets in an elevator and he pushes a button which drops her into a shark tank and she dead. Guess she was the betrayer. Bad guys love their killer aquatics in these movies. Ha, now the two dudes take the same elevator to leave while they shit their pants.

Bad guy’s base he stole form the legion of doom in the Superfiends cartoon. Jaws! I know that guy. Thought he doesn’t show up until later. Nice, I get him for more than one movie! Also was a nice intro. This big monster looking thug looking like King Kong Bundy comes in. He looks huge, then Jaws enters and dwarfs him. I am fully invested, please don’t betray me movie or I’ll feed you to a killer gold fish. Nice teeth, winning smile.

Oh fuck! The two dudes were leaving on a helicopter. Bad guy presses another button and boom, it explodes. Now he doesn’t owe them any money. I would never work for a bad guy. Not for any moral reasons, but because I like being alive and they all have poor managerial styles. Well except for Scorpio, because as always, The Simpsons did it better.

We’re just gonna skip over that unpleasantness in Egypt with the harem girls.

Mixing a little Jack Daniels in my iced tea because I’m classy. Don’t worry, it was shaken, not stirred.

Bond goes to Cairo to meet a contact. Of course a pretty woman is there and they start making out but Bundy tries to shoot him, gets the girl instead. He chases Bundy down and they fight. Bond gets his info and Bundy falls off the roof and I assume died. RIP Bundy.

To the pyramids to find the contact, but Jaws is looking for him too. Dude runs and locks a chain on a gate. Jaws bites through the chain! Little dude is fucked. OMG! Jaws slammed him against a wall and bit his neck! Is he a vampire too? Little dude is dead. Damn, big man is stealthy too. Bond pulled a gun on him, lights went out for a second and he’s gone. A man that size with that kind of quickness? He should play center in the NBA. Had to look it up, my man was 7’2”. Died in 2014. RIP big man.

Really wish they taught Moore how to fight or just used a double for every fight scene.

XXX is here and she looking fine. Bond is on her like white on rice. Oh, they know each other and their drinks. They’re both good. Damn, she referenced his dead wife. Continuity! They’re both there to get some microfilm, but Jaws gets to the guy first and bites his neck. Definite vampire.

Was that really necessary? Bond finds the dead guy, checks him and the microfilm is gone. He takes an out of order sign hanging nearby and puts it on the corpse. Kinda funny, in a sick and dark way, which I appreciate, but also kind of a dick move.

Jaws is escaping with a van. Both Bond and XXX jump in the back. He knows they’re back there, has a speaker and can hear them talking. How did that dude fit behind the wheel? Even the van looks tiny next to him.

I’m a sucker for those long flowing evening gowns with the slit up the sides to show off the legs when they walk. Just sharing.

They track down Jaws. Bond punches him in the jaw like an idiot. XXX pulls a gun like a smart person, but then takes her eyes off him like an idiot, but she gets the film and runs off. Bond dumps a ton of rocks on Jaws’ head, but he’s still alive because he’s not human. Also the sun is out, so not a vampire? Or is he the daywalker? XXX hops in the van but no keys, do they not teach hotwiring in Russian spy camp? Bond shows up with the keys. The odd couple continues!

Jesus, Jaws is the Hulk! He hops onto the hood of the van and literally starts ripping it apart. She tries to drive away but is having difficulty getting it into gear. The entire time Bond is being a condescending dick to her, including a women drivers crack. Jaws even stops the van cold from going in reverse and picks up the back of it. Dude is a fucking monster!

Van broke down in the middle of the desert. Neither of them are dressed well for this walk. Even the boat driver they stumble upon thinks so.

Bond has a mini microfilm viewer and is checking it out. How does XXX not watch him like a hawk? Bad spy. Oh my, Bond put the moves on her and it’s working? Or is she playing him? Ha, she played him. She had a cigarette that blew knockout dust into his face. Good for her! Bond’s greatest strength is also his biggest weakness…his dick. Damn, I don’t speak the language, but even I can tell all the local ladies are throwing shade at him as he walks by. They know he played himself.

Bond heads back to a base, that’s in a pyramid maybe? Moneypenny is there giving him sass because she’s awesome. He throws his jacket onto the coat rack. Guess that’s close enough. Into the office and Russian dude is there. Looks like Russia and the brits are working together as here’s XXX. Ah, Russian dude is KGB, of course.

Nice montage of wacky Q gadgets.

So they’re working together and she seems quite happy about it. Didn’t Bond kill her boyfriend? Or does she not know that yet?

They’re on a train together, flirting. Bond wants her to join him in his room, she’s all business and wants to sleep. They both undress separately (she is looking damn good), opens her closet and somehow Jaws squeezed his giant ass in there! Scared the shit out of me, like for real. He smacks her around and is about to bite her neck then Bond shows up. Jaws literally picked him up by the crotch and slammed him into the ceiling. He then has his hand on his neck holding him up and his hand is bigger than Moore’s head. It doesn’t even look real. Lol, Bond broke a lamp and zapped him in his metal teeth, then kicked him out the windows of the moving train. And he still lives! Motherfucker stands up and dusts himself off like nothing happened.

Now that his window is broken, he has an excuse to go into her room. All part of his plan I’m sure. He has a cut on his shoulder. She asks what can they use for a bandage? He starts slipping off her nightgown saying, “How bout this?” Oh they fuckin.

Q brings him a sweet Lotus for his ride. Will we ever see his Aston Martin again?

Ha, they’re undercover as a married couple checking into a hotel. Moneypenny booked them in with separate bedrooms. She’s the best.

Whoa. The bad guy (Stromberg) sent Naomi to collect bond and XXX. She hops off a speed boat in a Bond movie issued bikini and looks phenomenal. Bond of course notices and pretends to complement the boat, “What a handsome craft. Such lovely lines.” XXX is not amused.

Stromberg knows who they are and tells Jaws to kill them.

Damn. They’re driving in the Lotus and being followed by a motorcycle guy with a side car. They get stuck behind a truck (carrying pillows?). Sidecar is launched at them like a rocket. He whips the car around the truck and the sidecar explodes the back of the truck, feathers everywhere. Motorcycle guy flies off the road and cliff. Bond quips, “All those fathers and he still can’t fly.”

How on earth can a sedan with four guys in it (one of them the Jaws monster) possibly keep up with Bond in that car? Either way, Bond flips a switch, shoots mud out the back blinding the car. It falls off the road/cliff, lands in some poor dude’s house and has a mini-explosion. Everyone died, except for Jaws who walks out of the house as if nothing happened. Guess he had his tray table up and his seatback in the full upright position.

Now they’re being chased by a helicopter with machine guns piloted by super sexy Naomi, who was somehow able to make eyes with Bond and wink at him. XXX is still not amused. Oh no! He drove the Lotus into the water. Is this thing going to turn into a sub? Yup, its a fucking transformer! I’m here for it. Oh snap! He shot a rocket from the car/sub into the helicopter hovering above them. Poor Naomi, she was too sexy to die!

They’re driving their Lotus sub to the legion of doom. I’m enjoying this so much I don’t even mind the underwater adventures, as long as there are no scuba fights. Fuck, the sub is being chased by scuba men. I jinxed it! At least they have those scuba scooters so they can move quickly. Plus the funky disco music helps. Uh oh, bad guys have their own mini sub and they’re shooting torpedoes at each other! The Lotus sprung a  leak! XXX took over pressing buttons. Ink spray and then dropped a mine, bad guy sub is gone. Ha, Bond asked how she knew which buttons to push, she said she stole the blueprints two years ago. But then why was she surprised when they drove into the water? Don’t let me down now, movie! They drove to a beach, transformed back into car mode, and drove away. Why did bond have a fish that he dropped outside the window?

Uh oh, she’s about to find out Bond killed her fella. Bond gave zero fucks about killing that dude. Whelp, she doesn’t like him anymore. Threatened to kill him after this mission. She gonna die, isn’t she?

They board an American sub and everyone is getting all horny sailor around XXX.

Sub has to surface and it gets swallowed up by a giant tanker ship. Very similar to the space capsules being captured way back in You Only Live Twice.

Ah, so XXX is the Bond girl that Ringo Starr married, as mentioned in Love Actually. We watch that movie every year when decorating the tree and now I know.

How do you get a job with the bad guys? He has a bunch of dudes at consoles running things. How do they get those jobs? Do they know they’re working towards global domination or whatever? Are they promised a cut of any ransom? Do they know how expendable they are? Seems stressful and very high risk. Not sure if the benefits are worth it.

Maybe the female spy shouldn’t have hair that can reach her ass. Makes it harder to hide with a bunch of dudes.

Oh, Stromberg is one of those villains. Not doing this for money or power. He thinks he’s creating a new world for the better. He’s targeting Moscow and NY? Why not DC? Who cares if NY is gone? Oh no, no more overrated pizza, how will this huge country survive?

Ugh, his legion of doom base he calls Atlantis? So unoriginal.

Bond frees all the other sub crews. For some reason the Village People’s In the Navy popped into my head. They all head to the armory. Why would you keep grenades on a ship? That’s seems like bad idea jeans. Wow, that one extra really milked his death. Made the most of his two seconds on screen. Throwing a lot of grenades on this ship.

Bond is taking a nuke apart. He used it to break into the control room and make the stolen subs shoot their nukes at each other instead. So much for the two stolen subs. Now they’re all boarding the US sub. Are they all gonna fit? Guess enough people died in the battle. Sub captain launched a torpedo to blast open the door of the ship and escape. Couldn’t they just have submerged? So much for the giant tanker ship.

Uh oh, sub has orders from the pentagon to destroy Atlantis, but XXX is still onboard. Bond buys himself an hour. Ha, Q sent him a ghetto jet ski he had to build. Uh oh, Bond is in the elevator of doom, but Bond didn’t fall for the trap door. Damn. Stromberg is at the head of a super long table, gets Bond to sit at the other end. He has some wacky gun with a long tube underneath and shoots, but Bond dodges then shoot back like four times, slowly. Stop! He’s dead!

Jaws! Forgot all about him. Oh no, a giant magnet? Lol, his teeth are stuck to it and Bonds asks, “How does that grab you?” He dropped him into the shark tank, except my man bit the fucking shark! Also, can they sue Spielberg since this came first?

Bond found XXX and the sub launched a torpedo at Atlantis. They find an escape pod thingy. It has a very comfy looking round couch inside. Also XXX is wearing a skimpy bikini top that is now soaked. Oh, she pulled a gun on Bond saying the mission is over! Oh really? Bond says a condemned man gets a final request, she says okay. He says lets get out of these wet things and they start to kiss. She got over what’s-his-face pretty quick, I guess. Bond’s magic dick strikes again!

Jaws lives! He’s swimming away in the middle of nowhere. I’m guessing he’ll make it.

Wow. They banged, then XXX is like what will our superiors say? Bond says they’ll never know. Their superiors find the pod and catch it. There’s a giant window and all the head guys see them naked and making out. They ask Bond what he’s doing. He tells them, “Keeping the British end up, sir,” then closes the curtain.

The End.

This is around the time where closing credits in movies started getting more detailed, but still nowhere near what they are now.

Bond will return in For Your Eyes Only (which is a lie, but we’ll deal with that next time).

Several people tell me all the Moore ones are bad and I’ve heard how campy they are, but I really liked this. Yes there was some camp, silliness, cheese, whatever you want to call it, but it was also fun. I think this was actually one of my favorites so far. The last few really were leaving bad tastes in my mouth and I was worried if I could continue going through them, but this gave me some hope. Really looking forward to Moonraker. Assuming that one will be over the top bonkers, but hoping also in a fun way like this one. In fact, I’m going to put it on now. Bond double feature!